About the Author
Amanda Clemmer, Authorpreneur and Blogger
I've enjoyed reading and writing stories since I was a kid. All through middle and high school, I worked towards having a career writing fiction--and everyone told me I could make it. I got a degree in writing and literature from the University of Northwestern in Minnesota, and instantly started freelance writing, bursting with confidence.
But it didn't work. At least... not at first.
My Journey
I made some money writing. I could comfortably earn up to $250 per month writing articles and ebooks and editing on the side. I started my first blog on writing, Finish That Novel!, and published my first bestseller, a steampunk novella called Automaton that I had originally written for the NaNoWriMo writing challenge the past November.
I realized that I wasn't a total flop, and that self-publishing was a lot cooler (and more fun!) than I had imagined at first. My biggest challenge was in figuring out what caused some writers to succeed so abundantly and learn how to replicate their success on my own.
Then life happened. My husband and I bought our first house, and it was a fixer-upper. I had to quit my job writing for a real-life day job teaching English in a local school. The strain grew from there. I missed the flexibility of choosing my work, the freedom to learn more about my craft and become better at it.
Years passed.
I experimented. I tried things out. I advertised. I made mistakes. Eventually, I started studying the success stories of others. What decisions did these authors make? What principles did they operate on? What set them apart from the rest of the crowd?
My goal at Pen And Glory is to help great writers succeed in publishing. I want you to be able to magnify and optimize your success in the competitive world of ebook selling, attract readers to your book like flies to a lightbulb, and turn a quick profit while you're at it. I believe self-publishing is fun, exciting, and a great opportunity all-around.
Let's get started!